S   U   P   R   A   N   A   T   I   O   N   A   L

Best philosophical ideas to educate, consolidate and transform Humanity into integrated CITIZENSHIP of the Earth-XXI

Reason, Morality, Justice and Responsibility (including Global Responsibility) are the fundamental values for Humanity, but not money, power or property...

WPF Global learning program
of lifelong civil education & action for all

WPF Global educational program

(Tuition-Free Online) UNIVERSITY

of civil Educators

USE-WPF Professors on civic knowledge

The Minimum of Civic knowledge

   English   English   


  1. Prof. Evanghelos A. Moutsopoulos (Greece) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.004 - Profile
  2. Prof. Ban Ki-moon (United Nations) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.001 - Profile
  3. Prof. Irina Bokova (UNESCO) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.002 - Profile
  4. Prof. Federico Mayor Zaragoza (Spane) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.115 - Profile
  5. Prof. Igor I. Kondrashin (Russia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.005 - Profile
  6. Prof. Nicholas Hagger (United Kingdom) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.096 - Profile
  7. Prof. Jeffrey Levett (Greece) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.0102 - Profile
  8. Prof. Dimitris Pollatos (Greece) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.052 - Profile
  9. Prof. Timi Ecimovic (Slovenia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.016 - Profile
  10. Prof. Fidel Julian Gutierrez Vivanco (Peru) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.014 - Profile
  11. Prof. Ricaardoe Di Done (Canada) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.096 - Profile
  12. Prof. Steven Vogazianos-Roy (United Kingdom) - ID No.013 - Profile
  13. Prof. Paris Katsivelos (Greece) - ID No.025 - Profile
  14. Prof. Omar Haji Ahmad Laksamanac (Malaysia) - ID No.070 - Profile
  15. Prof. Evgenij Kutovoy (Russia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.037 - Profile
  16. Prof. Alexander N. Chumakov (Russia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.033 - Profile
  17. Prof. Abdusalam A. Guseinov (Russia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.007 - Profile
  18. Prof. Vyacheslav S. Stepin (Russia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.008 - Profile
  19. Prof. Sergej I. Emeljanov (Russia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.068 - Profile
  20. Prof. Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis (Greece) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.124 - Profile
  21. Prof. Avtandil V. Mikaberidze (Georgia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.012 - Profile
  22. Prof. Glen T. Martin (USA) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.075 - Profile
  23. Prof. Valerij Kuvakin (Russia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.034 - Profile
  24. Prof. Albani Shariff Ibrahim (Philippines) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.074 - Profile
  25. Prof. Irma Villarroel (Venezuela) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.026 - Profile
  26. Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz (Poland) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.098 - Profile
  27. Prof. Prem Pal Singh Rawat (India) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.0138 - Profile
  28. Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz (Poland) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.098 - Profile
  29. Prof. Negoslav Ostojić (Serbia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.0114 - Profile
  30. Prof. Devarakonda Swaminadhan (India) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.061 - Profile
  31. Prof. SAR PV Chaturvedi (India) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.067 - Profile
  32. Prof. Svetl. Сhumakova-Izmaylovskya (Russia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.0154 - Profile
  33. Prof. Almaz-Кhanum S. Medjidova (Uzbekistan) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.059 - Profile
  34. Prof. Muhammad Jeseus Chrishna (Indonesia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.0213 - Profile
  35. Prof. Syed Hussein Al-Attas (Malaysia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.0494 - Profile
  36. Prof. Askardiya R. Adji Hoesodo (Indonesia) - Gl.Citiz. ID No.0526 - Profile


Diploma of Professor status

If you wish to join the List of World civil Educators-

If you wish to order a lecture of these Professors,
write to info@wpf-unesco.org

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The main goal of USE-WPF civic education is to enlarge the number of the Citizens of the Earth-XXI, whose mind should differ positively from the mind of other, not educated individuals - inhabitants of our planet, in particular:

1. High good breeding and education - unlike ignorance and bad manners of others;

2. Well-formed consciousness as the basis of reason and morality. Aborted or distorted consciousness makes individuals unwise and immoral;

3. Healthy reflection on what is happening around him and in the world as a whole. Absence of such reflection deprives individuals of conscience and responsibility for his own destiny and all that surrounds him;

that is to constitute the segment of Mankind representing the best, most modern of its members, possessing wisdom, reason and morality. This means that only they can benefit people in both politics and economics, and in personal life. And it is these people that should be trusted posts in international organizations and in state bodies. It is possible to rely on them both in business, and in a life.